Content Creators Market
The team's goal is to form a platform where users and creators from all over the world can create, share and trade their content without any central control. Thus enjoying the secure ownership of copyrights and also obtaining the ability to earn AC.
The investment world is currently booming, as all kinds of people in the world are training and investing. But this high demand from new users can cause problems, since there are a lot of scams in this sector. Therefore, we believe that the best way for users to feel free and safe from being scammed is to create Aureal Trade. Where all the content creators of the world can make themselves known and help educate those people who continue to want to be trained in this investment sector every day. Many users start in this world without having any information about it and end up losing their money or saying that they have been scammed when, perhaps, they have not been but they have not been trained as they should or with whom they should have done it. That will not happen at Aureal Trade, since you will be learning and sharing information with users who are dedicated to investments and supported by the community itself. Feeling confident that no one is scamming you.
On the other hand, a big problem that content creators already face is establishing the creative ownership of their content, since another user or entity could copy it and disclose the original creation of the content without being their work. Without a system capable of identifying and tracking the creation of that article, it is almost impossible to know if it is the original or a copy.
Notably, the reliance on fiat currencies and credit/debit card transactions are signs that fraud is never far away. Therefore, by registering all created assets as an NFT, the Aureal Trade platform will allow creators to have original ownership of all their created assets.
As transactions are made through the BSC blockchain network, credit card fraud is eliminated.
In addition to solving all these problems, Aureal Trade intends to bring even more value to its creators, since in the future they will be able to trade their NFTs within our own blockchain and is implementing projects to increase the value of the content of the CCs themselves.
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