🪜Scalable program

The scalable user program has been created to provide security to the community and to equalize the conditions of users throughout their careers.

As a user, you may always want to be a normal user or want to climb on a personal project as a content creator. The program gives the opportunity to scale to everyone equally, without being a higher level the one that grants distinctions between the members of the platform.

All verified users in the community will receive a non-transferable NFT badge based on the level purchased.

The program also takes into account a holding requirement, to assure users that the CCs have sufficient funds, and to encourage the evolution of assets.

☑ Badges

Aureal trade badges are intended to be in the future a mark of distinction of a person who has real credibility under a decentralized community.

It is estimated that only between 3% and 7% of Aureal Trade users will be able to get the Educator badge, so it is not easy to achieve the maximum community distinction. Will you be one of them?

Content Creator

Elite Content Creator



Last updated